Jai Verma

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Memory Café Nottingham Charity Coffee Morning / Lunch 2015

Beeston Memory Cafe is a charity based in Beeston, Notts; which meets twice a month to support those with dementia and other conditions. As a fundraiser, coffee and lunch at Jai Verma’s house was held and raised money to keep… Continue Reading →

High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire

The Inauguration and oath-reading of the High Sheriff of Nottingham Jas Bilkhu, at Nottingham Sikh Temple.

Poets in Nottingham, 2004

2004 Meeting of poets including Sarvesh Chandausvi (far left); Ajay Gupta (centre, with scarf); Manzar Bhopali (second right); Yusuf Bhandwaj (far right).

Grand Kavi Sammelan 2015

Chief guests were Lord Mayor of Nottingham, High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Counsell General from Birmingham Mr J. K Sharma. With special guest Dame Asha Khemka. Receiving an award Mr Tejendra Sharma.

HCI Mr Mathai reception dinner by ICCA Nottingham

HCI London: Mr Mathai reception dinner by ICCA Nottingham, with CGI Mr J Sharma and Freeman of Nottingham Mr N Puri, 8th August 2015, on reception of the CBE.  

Meeting High Commissioner of India from London and Consul General of India from Birmingham

Independence Day 2015 ICCA

High Sheriff Charity Golf Day, Radclyffe-on-Trent, 2015

International Yoga Day (21st June 2015)

The first ever International Yoga Day Celebration. At the Nottingham event, over 250 people attended, and joined a mass yoga session in the temple. VIPs in attendance included The High Sherriff of Nottinghamshire, Jas Bilkhu; Sheriff of Nottingham, Mr Moh… Continue Reading →

Meeting Sunita Poddar

First meeting to celebrate the first Yoga Day 21st June 2015 at HCI

Outside Nehru Centre, London after visiting Mr Nagi’s Bird and Butterfly Photography

Outside Nehru Centre, London after visiting Mr Nagi’s Bird and Butterfly Photography Exhibition (Photography On Wings), June 2015.

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