Jai Verma

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Toronto and New York 2009

Reading poetry in Toronto as part of the Gitanjali Poetry visit to the USA and Canada, then on to New York’s Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan for more readings

HCI London – Sahyatri Hain Hum 2009

Laxhmimal Singvi First Book Publishing Award, money was awarded to a selected book from a first-time author to be published. With Nalim Suri.

Meerut University Honoured, 2009

Honoured by Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut. VC Mr Kak presents the honour.

Meeting Dr Karan Singh

Aston University Story Workshop

Attending a conference with husband and wife writing team Ravinder Kalia and Mamta Kalia; along with Tejendra Sharma from London. The couple tutored a two-day workshop.

Katha UK Programme at CGI 2009

Katha UK and Gitanjali Literary Circle at CGI Birmingham.

Kavya Rang Poetry Meeting, 2009

Clippings of the launch of first book, outside Nottingham Temple

Headline incorrect: It is Hindi poetry, not Hindu poetry! Launch of first book, from Birmingham Hindi Newspaper Jagatwani, March 2009. Chief guest was Mr Ibrahim, Minister of Co-ordination, Indian High Commission.

Launch of first book

Launch of Jai’s first book, from Birmingham Hindi Newspaper, Jagatwani, March 2009. Chief guest was Mr Ibrahim, Minister of Co-ordination, Indian High Commission.

Nottingham Launch of Sahyatri Hain Hum

Book launch in Nottingham (from l to r) Asif Ibrahim Minister of co-ordination HCI ; Nat Puri, Freeman of Nottingham, Lord Mayor of Nottingham; Anand Kumar Attache Hindi and Cultural Officer HCI

Book Discussion/review of Sah Yatri Hain Hum, 2009

Book discussion / review at the International Hindi Utsav; Delhi, February 2009, with (L-R) Dr Kumar; Anil Sharma; Dr Satyendra Srivastava; Jai Verma; Vivek (background);Dr Madan Lal Madhu, Asghar Wajahat, Susham Bedi, Vigyan Vrat.

Book discussion / review at the International Hindi Utsav; Delhi

Book discussion / review at the International Hindi Utsav; Delhi, February 2009, with (L-R) Dr Kumar; Anil Sharma; Dr Satyendra Srivastava; Jai Verma; Vivek (background);Dr Madan Lal Madhu, Asghar Wajahat, Susham Bedi, Vigyan Vrat

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