Jai Verma

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Nottingham Castle “Portrait of Nottingham” Exhibition.

Jai was one of the subjects in this photographic exhibition held at Nottingham Castle. The photographer Jo Metson Scott included Jai as a study into Nottingham, a cross section of the city and its people, particularly those who have made… Continue Reading →

Aadharshila Paris Hindi Conference, June 2016.

June 2016, Paris: an invite to speak at a conference organised by Aadharshila Hindi Magazine. Jai chaired the conference, a great honour. Discussions were on the relevance of Hindi on a global scale. Jai received an award: the Mahadevi Verma… Continue Reading →

Meeting Prime Minister of India, Mr Modi.

On November 13th, 2015, Jai Verma travelled to Wembley Stadium in London as part of the “UK Welcomes Modi” event. This was an important occasion for Anglo-Indian relations, as the Prime Minister of India met the British Prime Minister David… Continue Reading →

DAV College Delhi, 2016

Kahani Reading, Workshop in London 2016

Rotary Club Charity Dinner, Ravenshead, June 2016

Visit to Banaras Hindu University January 2016

In January 2016 Jai Verma was invited to Banaras Hindu University, to visit the  Banaras Hindu  University (BHU). The university was celebrating its Centenary, and as such were holding a series of events to mark this anniversary. Banaras is one… Continue Reading →

Jai Verma on MATV Sathi Ke Sang Sang.

Jai appeared on the live tv show Sathi Ke Sang Sang in May 2016.

Dr Bechain visits the UK, poetry workshop at Pear Tree library, Derby

Dr Kunwar Bechain is one of India’s best known and well-loved Geet Kar and Ghazal Kar. His contribution to Indian culture is invaluable; his poetry spanning genres and form. Perhaps best known for his mastery of ghazal, haiku and dohe,… Continue Reading →

Meerut University: Day 1, March 2016.

Opening ceremony at Meerut University Conference.

Meerut University, Day 2: Kavi Samellan.

Meerut University, 2nd day of the conference. With Head of Hindi Department Prof Lohani, and the poet Laxmi Shankar Bajpei, and  students.

Meerut University Visit; March 2016, Day Three.

Attending the Hindi Conference at Meerut University, March 2016. Giving a talk on the changes in Hindi throughout the world over the last few decades. How can Hindi compete in a digital world, and thrive as an international language? A… Continue Reading →

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