The first ever International Yoga Day Celebration. At the Nottingham event, over 250 people attended, and joined a mass yoga session in the temple. VIPs in attendance included The High Sherriff of Nottinghamshire, Jas Bilkhu; Sheriff of Nottingham, Mr Moh… Continue Reading →
Outside Nehru Centre, London after visiting Mr Nagi’s Bird and Butterfly Photography Exhibition (Photography On Wings), June 2015.
At Mr Nagi’s photographic exhibition, Birds on Wings.
Edgware, London 16 /05 /2015 Purvai is the only UK Hindi magazine in publication. First editorial meeting of the relaunched Purvai L-R (front) Ajit Saria MBE ; Councillor Zakia Zubari patron); Jai Verma (back) Shikha Varshney; K B L Saxena;… Continue Reading →
NAAC event. The singer, Harkirat Kaur, set one of my poems to music and played it for the representative of the Indian High Commission: First secretary to minister of coordination, Mr Pritam Lal. It was the first time I’ve heard… Continue Reading →
The talented photographer Mr Nagi had an exhibition for his photography on birds, titled ‘Photography on Wings’. After this exhibition he took the exhibition to the Nehru Centre in London. Jai contributed two poems to accompany the photography, one on a sparrow,… Continue Reading →
Poorvee Rajbhasha Club, Kolkata, November 2014 by Governor of West Bengal and Bihar Shree Kesharinath Tripathi
“ Uplabdhi (Lifetime achievement)” by International Manchy Kavi Peeth, Luckhnow on by Governor of UP Shri Ram Nayak ji and Minister Shri Shiv Pal Yadav; Uday Pratap Singh, November 14
Receiving the Services to Hindi Honour by International Manchy Kavi Peeth, Luckhnow on by Governor of UP Shri Ram Nayak ji and Minister Shri Shiv Pal Yadav; Uday Pratap Singh, November 14 2014.
Some honours awarded in November 2014 while travelling through India. Main Photo: Delhi, Samrat Hotel; with the Hindi Director in the Foreign Minister, Suniti Sharma. Receiving an honour for services for serving Hindi at an international level. Sanskar Bharti, Delhi: honoured… Continue Reading →
Meeting students to talk about Colours of Poetry , where we talked about multilingualism.
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