Beeston Memory Cafe is a charity based in Beeston, Notts; which meets twice a month to support those with dementia and other conditions. As a fundraiser, coffee and lunch at Jai Verma’s house was held and raised money to keep… Continue Reading →
Teachers welcoming members of Jai Verma’s family on a visit to the children’s school in Jiwana.
The opening of the library, the first time the school had had one. The children range in age from 3 to 16. Books were donated to get the library started. The whole village turned out to see the opening, and… Continue Reading →
Pupils took part in a UK /Europe-wide Hindi language competition to win a trip to India for a fortnight, where they would meet people in literature, educators, students and Bollywood stars.
(Left to right) Jyoti Dhar Raj Chandran Nat Puri Lord Mayor of Nottingham Pawan Joshi Jai Verma
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