Jai Verma



Visit to Toronto 2009

+ A poetry exchange visit to Toronto, Canada. टोरांटो के मिसिसागा शहर मॆं यू.के. से पधारे ८ कवि और कवियित्रियों के संग टोरांटो शहर के क्षेत्रीय कवि/कवियित्रियों ने मिल कर भाग लिया एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय मिलन संध्या में जिस दौरान सभी… Continue Reading →

USA Literary trip 2009

Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan, New York. 2009. A recital of poetry was given. With Dr K Kumar; Anoop Bhargva, Bhartya Vidya Bhavam Vrat and others. USA trip 2009

Toronto and New York 2009

Reading poetry in Toronto as part of the Gitanjali Poetry visit to the USA and Canada, then on to New York’s Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan for more readings

Oslo Visit

Norway on the longest day of the year, when the sun  never sets, for a family holiday.

Holiday in Switzerland, 2007

Horse Riding with Cowboys in Texas, 1989

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