Jai Verma


Meerut University

Meerut University: Day 1, March 2016.

Opening ceremony at Meerut University Conference.

Meerut University, Day 2: Kavi Samellan.

Meerut University, 2nd day of the conference. With Head of Hindi Department Prof Lohani, and the poet Laxmi Shankar Bajpei, and  students.

Meerut University Visit; March 2016, Day Three.

Attending the Hindi Conference at Meerut University, March 2016. Giving a talk on the changes in Hindi throughout the world over the last few decades. How can Hindi compete in a digital world, and thrive as an international language? A… Continue Reading →

Hindi Conference, Meerut University, India, 2015

November 2015, Meerut University, India. I was invited as a guest to meet the students at my Alma MateR, with other alumnus, prestigious author Dr Vatuk.

Meerut University display board, 2015

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